Navigating LLC Operating Agreements in New York State: Protecting Your Business and Personal Interests



For business and professional practice owners, safeguarding your assets and ensuring the smooth operation of your business are top priorities. One vital tool in achieving these goals is a well-drafted Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of an Operating Agreement in New York State, its validity, and key issues related to management, control, profit distribution, and future rights of a member's spouse upon death or divorce.

LLC Operating Agreement

An LLC Operating Agreement is a legal document outlining the structure, governance, management, and operational rules of a limited liability company. While not technically required by law, having an Operating Agreement is highly recommended as it provides clarity, guidance, and protection for the LLC's members. If you don’t have one, then the Limited Liability Company Law (LLCL) dictates owner rights, responsibilities, and operational rules, which may not be favorable to you.

Validity of Operating Agreements in New York State

In summary fashion, to be valid in New York, an LLC Operating Agreement must:

1. Be in writing;

2. Be voluntarily entered into by the members; and

3. Comply with New York State laws and regulations.

Management, Control, and Decision-Making

An Operating Agreement outlines whether the LLC will be managed by all or some of its members (member-managed) or by appointed managers (manager-managed). It also establishes procedures for making decisions, such as voting rights and the required approval thresholds for various types of decisions. This ensures that the management structure and decision-making process are clear and transparent to all parties involved.

Profit Distribution

The Operating Agreement sets forth rules for distributing profits and losses among members, as well as any procedures for making additional capital contributions. By clearly outlining the profit distribution process, members can avoid potential disputes and ensure their financial interests are protected. These are the economic interests or rights under an Operating Agreement.

Rights of a Member's Spouse upon Death or Divorce

In the event of a member's death or divorce, the Operating Agreement may address the future rights of the member's spouse concerning membership interests, including economic interests. For example, the agreement may specify whether the spouse will inherit the membership interests, be entitled to receive distributions, or have any voting or management rights. It may also outline the process for the spouse to sell or transfer the membership interests to another party.

Handling Membership Interests

An Operating Agreement can also define procedures for transferring membership interests, admitting new members, or allowing existing members to withdraw from the LLC. This ensures that changes in membership are handled smoothly and with minimal disruption to the business.


A well-drafted LLC Operating Agreement is essential for protecting your business interests and personal assets in the face of disputes involving income, business equity, or other large assets. Our experienced litigation attorneys can help you resolve such disputes that arise from these issues or relate to Operating Agreements (or the lack of an Operating Agreement).

If you are facing similar concerns or if you have questions about navigating LLC Operating Agreements and protecting your business, please feel free to contact us here. We have many years of experience handling such matters and will be able to assist you in resolving the dispute.

To learn more about these topics, you may want to review our information provided on these pages: Business Litigation, Business Divorce and Dissolution, LLC Disputes.

You may learn more about us and how we operate by visiting these pages: About Us, What Sets Us Apart, and Learn More About Us.

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