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  • Understanding the Recent Changes to Independent Contractor Regulations Photo
    Understanding the Recent Changes to Independent Contractor Regulations
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    On March 11, 2024, in a notable regulatory shift, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has reinstated what many believe to be the traditional independent contractor regulations.
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  • Preliminary Injunctions and Business Asset Sale-Based Non-Compete Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide Photo
    Preliminary Injunctions and Business Asset Sale-Based Non-Compete Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    When businesses engage in asset purchase transactions, they often incorporate non-compete agreements to safeguard the buyer’s investment. These agreements prevent sellers from engaging in competitive activities that could undermine the value of the purchased assets.
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  • Navigating the Complex World of Fiduciary Duties and Retaliation Protections: Essential Insights for Professionals and Executives Photo
    Navigating the Complex World of Fiduciary Duties and Retaliation Protections: Essential Insights for Professionals and Executives
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    In the intricate landscape of corporate governance and legal responsibilities, understanding fiduciary duties and retaliation protections is crucial for licensed professionals, corporate executives, and business owners
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  • Navigating the Duty of Loyalty in New York: A Guide for Employers and Employees Photo
    Navigating the Duty of Loyalty in New York: A Guide for Employers and Employees
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    The concept of 'duty of loyalty' in the workplace is critical in shaping the relationship between employers and employees in New York. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the duty of loyalty means in New York and how it impacts both parties in the employment relationship.
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  • As Tenure Termination Appears to be on the Rise, What Do I Need to Know to Protect Myself? Photo
    As Tenure Termination Appears to be on the Rise, What Do I Need to Know to Protect Myself?
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    With the landscape of academia shifting beneath our feet, understanding the sanctity of tenure — and how it’s changing — is crucial for educators navigating their careers.
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  • Mandatory Wage Transparency, An Important Tool to Ensure Proper Compensation Photo
    Mandatory Wage Transparency, An Important Tool to Ensure Proper Compensation
    The Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    For a very long time, discussing your salary with a coworker was considered taboo. To this day, it remains a touchy, awkward topic for many employees. However, as a state, New York has pivoted away from the notion that compensation is private and embraced the concept of wage transparency. Read on for more.
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  • Pleading in the Alternative – Options When Your Contract May Not be Enforceable Photo
    Pleading in the Alternative – Options When Your Contract May Not be Enforceable
    As a business owner, you enter numerous agreements every year. From employment contracts and leases for office space to agreements for the delivery of goods and materials. Often times businesses require the maintaining and honoring of such agreements to ensure that the business, its owner, and all of its employees can conduct its day-to-day operations. Read on for more.
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  • Navigating LLC Operating Agreements in New York State: Protecting Your Business and Personal Interests Photo
    Navigating LLC Operating Agreements in New York State: Protecting Your Business and Personal Interests
    For business and professional practice owners, safeguarding your assets and ensuring the smooth operation of your business are top priorities. One vital tool in achieving these goals is a well-drafted Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement. Read on for more.
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